Our People


Rear Admiral (rtd) David Proctor
Deputy Executive Director

Rear Admiral (rtd) David Proctor

The Deputy Executive Director position at ACMC is filled by a New Zealand Government representative. This reflects the strong historic, strategic and cultural ties between Australia and New Zealand and the requirement to work closely on civil-military-police matters.

International and Domestic Engagement Directorate

Concepts and Capability Directorate

Business Operations and Governance Directorate

Advisors and Seconded Personnel

Jonathan Ball
Foreign Affairs Adviser

Jonathan Ball

The Foreign Affairs Adviser provides subject matter expertise in Peacebuilding, Conflict Prevention, Crisis Recovery, and Disaster Risk Reduction. As a seconded officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Advisor can advocate for their home agency while supporting the work of ACMC.
Jules Frost
Civil Society Engagement Adviser

Jules Frost

The ACFID seconded Civil Society Engagement Adviser to the Australian Civil-Military Centre contributes to the advancement of national capabilities to prevent, prepare for and respond more effectively to humanitarian crises through advancements in civil-military-police engagement. Building upon the partnership approach to civil-military-police engagement, the Civil Society Engagement Advisor convenes, facilitates dialogue, and provides policy advice to the stakeholder networks of both ACFID and the ACMC to strengthen understanding of the role, mandate and guiding principles of NGO engagement in humanitarian action.