What can leaders do to proactively engage other stakeholders and better prepare for international response efforts?
The ACMC produces a number of videos and publications that are available online to view or as downloadable resources. Many of our publications are also available in hard-copy and may be ordered via a secure online request form. We encourage you to share our resources widely.
What does the future of civil-military-police response effort look like?
Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination in Emergencies: Towards a predictable Model
A focus on the coordination of operational planning between civilian and military actors in priority countries in the region–Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Myanmar and the Philippines.
Australian Civil-Military Centre has a strong and diverse workforce, drawn from the Australian Public Service, New Zealand Government, Secondees, Civil Society and Contractors all who bring expertise from their respective fields. Dr Ryan discusses how our staff operate, engage and build strong relationships with our stakeholders.
Quick Impact Workshop – Outcomes Post Tropical Cyclone Pam Roundtable with Civil Society
Tropical Cyclone Pam hit Vanuatu and surrounds in March 2015. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) led the Australian response, which also involved significant Defence engagement and the substantial use of military assets.
Australia's Engagement on Protection of Civilians in Peacekeeping Operations presented in a 2-page fact sheet.
This video trailer is an introduction to "Leading Together, a Leadership Film" in which inspiring leaders share candidly what they have learned from hard won experience in international crisis response. - Watch online, order a FREE DVD copy.