
The ACMC produces a number of videos and publications that are available online to view or as downloadable resources. Many of our publications are also available in hard-copy and may be ordered via a secure online request form. We encourage you to share our resources widely.

Quick Impact Workshop – Outcomes Early considerations on civil-military responses to emerging diseases (Ebola as a case study)

Quick Impact Workshop – Outcomes Early considerations on civil-military responses to emerging diseases (Ebola as a case study)

In August 2014, the United Nations (UN) Security Council declared the Ebola virus outbreak in the West African subregion a ‘threat to international peace and security’. The UN’s request for assistance from member states resulted in the mobilisation of technical expertise, medical capacity, humanitarian assistance, and military and civil defence assets.
Women Peace & Security

Women Peace & Security

Archie Law, Executive Director of Action Aid Australia, Leanne Smith, Chief of Policy and Best Practices for Peacekeeping Operations at the United Nations and Dr Phoebe Wynn-Pope, Director of International Humanitarian Law and Movement Relations at the Australian Red Cross discuss women, peace and security in crises.