The ACMC produces a number of videos and publications that are available online to view or as downloadable resources. Many of our publications are also available in hard-copy and may be ordered via a secure online request form. We encourage you to share our resources widely.
Antarctica 2050: Strategic Challenges and Responses
From Principle to Practice: Protecting civilians in violent contexts
Short Messaging in Complex Emergencies: A Rapid Guide
The Communication and Complex Emergencies Project is a multi-phase collaboration between the University of Adelaide’s Applied Communication Collaborative Research Unit and the Australian Civil-Military Centre.
Complex Emergencies in a Digital World: A Rapid Guide
The Communication and Complex Emergencies Project is a multi-phase collaboration between the University of Adelaide’s Applied Communication Collaborative Research Unit and the Australian Civil-Military Centre.
Social Media in Complex Emergencies: A Rapid Guide
The Communication and Complex Emergencies Project is a multi-phase collaboration between the University of Adelaide’s Applied Communication Collaborative Research Unit and the Australian Civil-Military Centre.
Crowdsourcing and Crisis Mapping in Complex Emergencies
The Communication and Complex Emergencies Project is a multi-phase collaboration between the University of Adelaide’s Applied Communication Collaborative Research Unit and the Australian Civil-Military Centre.
Wikis and Knowledge Management in Complex Emergencies
The Communication and Complex Emergencies Project is a multi-phase collaboration between the University of Adelaide’s Applied Communication Collaborative Research Unit and the Australian Civil-Military Centre.